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  • E-Pharmalink Newsletter- May 2020 Issue

    The Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN) strongly believes that with strong health systems, its mission to support and strengthen church health systems promote and provide quality pharmaceutical services is attainable.

    In this newsletter, in line with its Infectious Diseases’ Strategic area, we share contributions from our members and partners demonstrating the role and impact of Faith-Based Organizations in the provision of health services in the fight against HIV/AIDS as we focus on Management of HIV and AIDS among you children. You will also find some resources and informational materials on COVID-19 as we relay from our international partners.

    You are welcomed to read;

    1. Free online Essentials of Pharmaceutical Practice (EPP) course for EPN members

    Article contributions

    1. INERELA+ Kenya implements Wajibu Wetu Initiative
    2. Management of HIV/AIDS among children by Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops – Kenya AIDS Response Program (KCCB-KARP)

    Useful resources and articles

    1. Key HIV and health messages booklet for use by religious leaders
    2. Mortality, HIV transmission and growth in children exposed to HIV in rural Zimbabwe

    Useful information and resources on COVID-19

    1. COVID-19 guidance for educational settings – CDC Africa
    2. Protecting children in low-income and middle-income countries from COVID-19
    3. The potential effects of widespread community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the World Health Organization African Region: a predictive model
    4. Clinical management of COVID-19 – WHO
    5. Smoking and COVID-19- Scientific brief -WHO

    Read the newsletter here